Many nations have responded to the coronavirus epidemic by implementing a lockdown to break the infection chain and reduce its spread to avoid overwhelming health services. However, it is important to take every care to protect the people who use your premises, including your staff, visitors and members of the public, if you have a critical service or company that needs to keep running. Not only that, your staff and other users will want assurance that your premises are secure when they return and that they will remain safe when they use them if your premises have been shut down.

        Besides that, Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a highly infectious disease, spreading crucially over three months from one city in China in December 2019 to more than 200 nations and territories. The main advice for avoiding COVID-19 without a vaccine or specific treatment is to perform strict hygiene measurements. This involves washing and disinfecting surfaces and items often reached by people. Furthermore, when restrictions are lifted, when individuals come into contact with others, there are likely to be further waves of coronavirus infections, so we all have to remain cautious and continue using hygienic practises.



 In order to protect people from COVID-19, cleaning and disinfecting areas and items play an important role. It is important to return a place to safe use after the premises have been accessed by an infected individual. Moving on, you may have cleaners who do daily cleaning duties, but handling a pandemic causing highly infectious virus requires a higher degree of competence and control measures that can only be given by a professional service. 

Apart from that, using specialist equipment, including personal protective equipment ( PPE) and an approved high-level surface disinfectant, specially trained disinfection technicians clean and disinfect the site manually. They will go through the polluted rooms and areas to clean all the main touch points and surfaces systematically. Specialist cleaning would be appropriate for areas polluted with bodily fluids such as blood, urine, vomit or human faeces. These fluids can seep into porous materials and areas that are difficult for individuals without advanced training to detect. It is doubtful that conventional methods of cleaning guarantee decontamination.


    Basically, the first option for disinfecting surfaces is manual methods, but fogging is an ideal solution for combating airborne pathogens and disinfecting wide areas that require rapid re-entry of treated areas. Ultra-low volume (ULV) disinfection fogging involves creating a cloud of very tiny droplets of a disinfectant liquid using a fogger pump. Using this technique to apply disinfectants and biocides will greatly reduce the number of pathogens on surfaces as well as in the air.

The droplets can settle underneath, on top of and on the sides of many objects and inaccessible areas that may be difficult or not possible to reach using conventional cleaning methods. It also reaches a wider range of surfaces than manual cleaning, including textiles. Rapid ULV fogging and disinfection allows large areas to be cleaned in a short span of time to help break the infection chain quickly.


    Cleaning and disinfecting are necessary steps for building managers to keep coronavirus-contaminated areas secure and return them to regular use quickly. To render them clean and return them to use as soon as possible, specialist disinfection services have the methods, equipment and most suitable products to disinfect areas. 

    If done, you can be confident that cleaning and disinfection has been carried out using authorised safety methods, equipment and items that comply with safety regulations. The completion report will help reassure your workers, clients and visitors that the premises are secure again. Further reassurance that facility managers uphold high hygiene standards on their premises will be provided by ongoing cleaning schemes.

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